Red River Off-Road Trails

For instance, the Old Red River Pass trail (forest road 488), rated as “difficult”, is a nearly 13-mile trail that’s over 100 years old and steeped in history that stars Ute and Jicarilla Apaches, explorers, fur trappers and prospectors, and hundreds of gold, silver and copper mines. It ranges in elevation from 8,750 feet above sea level to 9,852 feet at the top, and offers spectacular views of the Red River Upper Valley, Wheeler Peak and Gold Hill, along with tons of wildlife like black bear, bighorn sheep, mountain lions, bobcats, elk, mule deer, beaver and of course, chipmunks. Goose Lake (forest road 486) is a nearly 14-mile trail recommended for experienced riders as it gets up to an elevation of 11,500 feet, and features a river crossing, and some narrow, rocky paths. The 4th of July Canyon Trail (forest Road 490) is a very narrow, steep and rugged 4- mile trail which is rated as “very difficult” and should only be driven on by highly experienced drivers. The Pioneer Canyon trail (forest Road 485), built by miners at the end of the 19th century, offers a 6-mile round trip along Pioneer Creek while reaching elevations of 10,200 feet, and includes remnants of gold and silver mines that operated until 1931.